Saturday, June 17, 2006

Wow. I just put 100 candles on a cake. That's not something you do every day.

Here's to Auntie Doll!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

It's about time

Haven't written in here for ages. Damn, how many blog posts start like that? I think it's because things have been going so well. And they still are. So why am I writing? Orders came from higher up, of course. Oh, and I wanted to give my new haircut an airing.
Only problem is, because it's so cold, I have to wear a beanie the whole time.

Had my 21st... got off quite lightly, in the end. Looks like that season is beginning.

I won't talk bout my love life here. There's a best-of craigslist entry I found recently that covers most of it (what a single man sees as a bible for the unwillingly single man) here.

This is the sort of thing men complain about ("I wish there was a book on how women think"). The only flaw is that it's written by a guy, so it's probably dead wrong. Although possibly more accurate than a woman could do... anyway. Decide for yourself. And if you happen to BE a woman, please don't hit me next time you see me :)

Many plans for holidays in the future... procrastination is finally proving to be a real hindrance in all these team projects, and I want some fun. There is talk of skiing holidays, hiking and beach time (damn that beach would be cold.. but there would be windsurfers!) In other news, I somehow found my way onto the windsports committee as boardmaster, which basically means I'm in charge of windsurfing at melbourne uni. FUN! Now to get a gang off, all I have to do is send an email! We've even got the champions at SHQ (sandringham). There even seem to be people interested in doing it.

Indoor soccer continues. We won this week, which was as unusual as it was welcome. Lots of people coming to play and watch, although we can always do with more players. The more subs we have, the faster we can run!

That's enough for now.. it's almost gone 1am, which means it's time to start the evening's work.

I can't wait for the holidays! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Real Programmers

One of the first:

And how to be one: