Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Velomobiles are fast

So I learned about Velomobiles today.

They're pretty cool! Here's a table of roughly how fast you would go compared to on a normal bike:

DescriptionPowerSpeed (velomobile)Speed (normal bike)
High effort400W107 km/h28 km/h
Cruising (jogging equivalent)200W85 km/h22 km/h
Almost no effort (walking equivalent)60W57 km/h15 km/h

I got these numbers by starting from the Quest velomobile top speed of 107km/h with a high-performance rider and projecting down, and the normal bike speeds from the wikipedia page, projecting up (they match my normal riding patterns pretty well).

You can do your own projections using the following equation (change the initial speed and power ratios as appropriate):

15 km/h * ((400W / 60W)^(1 / 3)) = 28 kilometers per hour

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