Thursday, June 27, 2019

Don't test the glue

Software code is basically made up of two things: business logic and glue. There are other names for it -- boilerplate, wiring -- but it is basically just code that has to be there to let the business logic do its job.

You don't want to test the glue. It is incidental code. Maintaining those tests are going to be painful and pointless.

You do want to test the business logic thoroughly. Your tests are documentation, and allow you to refactor and port to other systems.

You don't need glue tests when refactoring because refactoring is about changing the glue. Having glue tests means more work when refactoring, not less.

You don't need glue tests when documenting because the important thing about documentation is the "why" -- why the business logic does what it does, who decided it should be that way, which customer asked for it, and so on. Glue has no why, it is just incidental code. Obviously there are exceptions to this -- a complicated threading model may be the best option and should be documented and tested, for example.

You don't need glue tests when porting to other systems because they will have different glue.

Don't test the glue, except in a very small number of integration tests.

PS. "Full coverage" when doing coverage reports of which lines of code got executed in tests is not a good goal, because it means you have to test all the glue. Read a coverage report by checking that lines containing business logic are tested and ignore untested glue.

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