Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Best day ever

A grand total of four good things happened to me yesterday. Not bad for the first day back. Had a dancing class (you can laugh, or call me whatever, but it was fun), so there. Girl was late, so I didn't get to dance with her, but she came up to me afterwards.. and now I've gotta find somewhere fun to take her. There's rumours of a trip to a drive-in on Friday, but there's a (free) swing dancing night on too.. choices! I don't know if I want to go with her to the drive-in yet.. so anyway, they were the first good things. Then I got to play indoor soccer for a new friend.. which was the most alive I've felt for ages. There's something about good exercise. Oh, and beating the other guy to the ball... Sadly we lost, but at least we got a few goals. That game's all about speed, and I just couldn't keep up. I'm quite stiff today. It made me think though, it wouldn't be hard to get a team together so I could play every week ! Ah, the possibilities... so that was thing number c. A nice girl gave us a lift there and then drove me and my other mate home.. so we could all play pool. Ah pool.. thing 4. Is that a good day or what?

Then, almost as if it was trying, I had work today. At least there was time for a walk at lunchtime, which was peaceful. There's a national park next to the office.. that's how far away it is, for those of you playing at home.

I think I've been listening to the Jays too much lately. They seem to be playing the same stuff too much. Good stuff.. but I'm getting sick of it. Shock! I never thought that would happen... however, they are making quite a lot of the stuff available on their website for people to download. Makes sense to me - I reckon the artists will make a lot more money if people get hooked on their records. True, they might not sell that much more, but for the artists the real money is in the touring and licensing anyway. I wonder if Collusion will ever put up stuff for download.

Me, ramble? Well, I guess so, like that time when some guy said something to that girl and then that other thing happened and no-one really woke up for a few hours and then we tried to tickle the goldfish (which didn't work to well) but no-one cared anyway because.. well, I can't quite remember but I think we went to be late so we must have been tired the next morning eh and ARE YOU STILL READING THIS? Well done ;)

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